Full Streaming A Little Chaos in High Definition Format
Now you can watch full A Little Chaos in best look with duration 117 Min and was released on 2015-06-26 with MPAA rating is 46.- Original Title : A Little Chaos
- Movie title in your country : A Little Chaos
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Drama, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-06-26
- Companies of movie : BBC Films, Artemis Film, Lionsgate, Lipsync Productions, The Bureau, K. JAM Media,
- Countries of movie : United Kingdom,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 117 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.1
- Youtube ID of movie : 6ihzIGDITqE
- Translation of movie : EN,ES,FR,PT,DE,IT,NL,ZH,RU,TR,CS,PL,EL,
- Actors of movie :Kate Winslet (Sabine De Barra), Alan Rickman (Le Roi Louis XIV), Stanley Tucci (Duke Philippe d'Orleans), Matthias Schoenaerts (Andre Le Notre), Jennifer Ehle (Madame De Montespan), Helen McCrory (Madame Le Notre), Steven Waddington (Duras), Adrian Schiller (Jean Risse), Danny Webb (Moulin), Phyllida Law (), Guy Potter (Court Page), Pauline Moran (Ariane), Morgan Watkins (Luc), Henry Garrett (Vincent), Adrian Scarborough (Daniel Le Vielle), Alistair Petrie (De Ville), Cathy Belton (Louise), Adam James (Monsieur De Barra), Andrew Crayford (General Courtsman / Marketworkerworker), Paulina Boneva (Market), Barrie Martin (Kings dresser), Angus Wright (Sualem), Lizzie Davies (Court Dancer), Paula Paul (Madame Princess Palatine), Kriss Dillon (Louis XIV Close Retinue #5), Danny Wilsher (Le Notre's Servant), Ben Probert (Workman), Jamie Bradley (Du Vasse), Mia Threapleton (Helene), Christian Wolf-La'Moy (Plasterer), Rita McDonald Damper (Lady in Blue), John Wark (Second Musician), Kirsty Oswald (Francoise), Alexander Bracq (Apprentice)
Movie summary of A Little Chaos :
Full Streaming A Little Chaos in Best Quality with movie summary "A landscape gardener is hired by famous architect Le NĂ´tre to construct the grand gardens at the palace of Versailles. As the two work on the palace, they find themselves drawn to each other and are thrown into rivalries within the court of King Louis XIV." in HD format. Download full A Little Chaos in Best Look by viewing the download link.
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... Full Streaming A Little Chaos in HD Format 1080p ...
Director : Alan Rickman, Screenplay : Alison Deegan, Writer : Jeremy Brock, Writer : Alan Rickman, Producer : Andrea Calderwood, Executive Producer : Ray Cooper, Producer : Gail Egan, Producer : Bertrand Faivre, Co-Producer : Richard Hewitt, Executive Producer : Zygi Kamasa, Executive Producer : Norman Merry, Editor : Nicolas Gaster, Casting : Nina Gold, Casting : Robert Sterne, Production Design : James Merifield, Art Direction : Kat Law, Art Direction : Sarah Stuart, Director of Photography : Ellen Kuras, Original Music Composer : Peter Gregson
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Tags: dancing, france, adultery, jealousy, infidelity, corset, suppressed past, garden, society, palace, versailles, female protagonist, unfaithfulness, paris france, gardener, royal court, flood, king louis xvi, 17th century, aristocracy, extramarital affair, french, landscape designer, louvre museum, bluebells, year 1662, marital infidelity,
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