Full Miss Julie in High Quality Video
Now you can enjoy Miss Julie in HD format with duration 120 Min and was published in 2014-09-07 and MPAA rating is 10.- Original Title : Miss Julie
- Movie title in your country : Miss Julie
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-09-07
- Companies of movie : Maipo Film- og TV Produksjon,
- Countries of movie : United Kingdom, Norway,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 120 Min
- Average vote of movie : 4.8
- Youtube ID of movie : 08RYb9T12yY
- Translation of movie : EN,PT,ES,FR,ZH,RU,DE,HU,
- Cast of movie :Jessica Chastain (Miss Julie), Colin Farrell (John), Samantha Morton (Kristin), Nora McMenamy (Little Miss Julie)
Movie summary of Miss Julie :
Watch full Miss Julie in Best Video Format with movie synopsis "Over the course of a midsummer night in Fermanagh in 1890, an unsettled daughter of the Anglo-Irish aristocracy encourages her father's valet to seduce her." in HD video. Full Streaming Miss Julie in Best Quality by visiting the download link.
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Director : Liv Ullmann, Screenplay : Liv Ullmann, Producer : Teun Hilte, Producer : Synnøve Hørsdal, Editor : Michal Leszczylowski, Theatre Play : August Strindberg, Producer : Tristan Orpen Lynch, Producer : Aoife O'Sullivan, Producer : Oliver Dungey
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Tags: love triangle, love, irish, valet, woman director, 19th century, year 1890,
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