Free Long Story Short in HD Format
Now you can play full Long Story Short in best video format with duration 100 Min and was released on 2015-07-05 with MPAA rating is 0.- Original Title : Lang historie kort
- Movie title in your country : Long Story Short
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Drama, Romance, Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-07-05
- Companies of movie : SF Film,
- Countries of movie : Denmark,
- Language of movie : Dansk,
- Durationof movie : 100 Min
- Average vote of movie : 0
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,DA,
- Cast of movie :Jens Albinus (Max), Norma Omega Mengers Andersen (Fillipa), Mille Hoffmeyer Lehfeldt (Ellen), Trine Dyrholm (Anette), Peter Gantzler (Rolf), Dya Josefine Hauch (Bolette), Ola Rapace (Sebastian), Janus Nabil Bakrawi (Adam), Marijana Jankovic (Dina), Danica Curcic (Maya), Cecilie Stenspil (Eva), Tilde Maja Frederiksen (Rebekka), Annika Holm Remmer (Ester), Leonard Georg Antonakakis (Hugo), Victor Skov Dahl Christiansen (Folke), Nadia Auda (Gæst), Ingeborg Duus (Rolf og Bolettes mor), Angus Linnet (Tvillingbaby #1), Vincent Linnet (Tvillingbaby #2), Laura Wilhelmi Ljungdalh (Adams nye kæreste), Christoffer Læssøe (Bordherre #1), Kasper Østerholdt Jensen (Bordherre #2), Magnus Bruun (Max' bordherre), Anne-Vibeke Mogensen (Sangdame), Bilal Irshed (), Adam Woer (), Alexander Kraglund (), Rasmus Møldrup (), Yohan Ramon ()
Movie plot of Long Story Short :
Watch full Long Story Short in Best Quality with movie summary "The film follows a group of friends and their highs and lows in pursuit of romantic redemption. It takes place over three years and is divided into eight parties : New Year's Eve, one housewarming, Midsummer, a wedding, a surprise party, a name of celebration, anniversary and birthday parties. The friends are all late thirties or early forties. They fought all with their own idea of what the perfect love really is, and must re-evaluate their perception in the course of history." in top quality. Free Streaming Long Story Short in High Quality by push of the download link.
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Director : May el-Toukhy, Writer : Maren Louise Käehne, Writer : May el-Toukhy
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