Watch Full Love at First Fight in HD Quality
Now you can see Love at First Fight in top video format with duration 98 Min and was released on 2014-08-20 and MPAA rating is 48.- Original Title : Les Combattants
- Movie title in your country : Love at First Fight
- Year of movie : 2014
- Genres of movie : Romance, Comedy,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2014-08-20
- Companies of movie : Canal+, Nord-Ouest Productions,
- Countries of movie : France,
- Language of movie : Français,
- Durationof movie : 98 Min
- Average vote of movie : 5.9
- Youtube ID of movie : Bi_wDGwQ9ho
- Translation of movie : EN,FR,ES,PT,SL,IT,EL,DE,
- Actors of movie :Adèle Haenel (Madeleine Beaulieu), Kevin Azais (Arnaud Labrède), Antoine Laurent (Manu Labrède), Brigitte Roüan (Hélène Labrède), William Lebghil (Xavier), Thibaut Berducat (Victor), Nicolas Wanczycki (Lieutenant Schliefer), Frédéric Pellegeay (Recruteur), Steve Tientcheu (Adjudant Ruiz), Franc Bruneau (Le conseiller funéraire), Maxime Mège (Adrien), Clément Allemand (Jordan), Barbara Ayse (Laurie), Coumba Seck (Aminata), Islam Magomadov (Stagiaire PM), Younès Houari (Stagiaire PM), Semy Arham (Stagiaire PM), Hamza Sako (Stagiaire PM), Violette Echazarreta (Serveuse autoroute), Léa Pelletant (Inès Beaulieu), Pascal Bernagaud (Baptiste Beaulieu), Cynthia Bresolin (Caissière bricolage), Julien Chaon (Soldat arbitre), Luc Martinage (Maître-chien), Sloan Ruiz (Soldat imposant), Quentin Valois (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Rabah Doudou (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Quentin Giraudet (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Omer Cosgun (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Jean-Baptiste Pujol (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Paul Pichon (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Bastien Palengat (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Anthony Monjon (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Mouslim Magomadov (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Lerda Thibault (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Lahouri Hamidi (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Kevin Calandre (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Reda Bensaga (), Tom Lou Malaurie (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Eddy Roberson (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Florian Capdevielle Saban (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Damien Brotons (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Eric Amayna (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Melchior Bonnet (Stagiaire préparation miitaire), Rémi Brunner (Stagiaire préparation miitaire)
Movie summary of Love at First Fight :
Full Streaming Love at First Fight in High Quality Video with movie synopsis "Arnaud, facing an uncertain future and a dearth of choices in a small French coastal town, meets and falls for the apocalyptic-minded Madeleine, who joins an army boot camp to learn military and survival skills to prepare for the upcoming environmental collapse. Intrigued and excited by Madeleine’s wild ideas, Arnaud signs up for the boot camp himself. They soon realize that the boot camp is harder than they’d imagined, but the experience nonetheless cements them together as the couple continues to explore their young love." in HD video. Best Love at First Fight in Best Quality by clicking the download link.
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Director : Thomas Cailley, Director of Photography : David Cailley, Writer : Thomas Cailley, Writer : Claude Le Pape, Producer : Pierre Guyard
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