Full The Age of Adaline in HD Quality
Now you can enjoy The Age of Adaline in top video format with duration 112 Min and was published in 2015-04-24 with MPAA rating is 473.- Original Title : The Age of Adaline
- Movie title in your country : The Age of Adaline
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Drama, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2015-04-24
- Companies of movie : Sidney Kimmel Entertainment, Lionsgate, Sierra / Affinity,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 112 Min
- Average vote of movie : 7.5
- Youtube ID of movie : g9-SnMldtGY
- Translation of movie : EN,RU,HU,PT,FR,IT,ZH,DE,ES,HE,EL,NL,PL,RO,KO,LT,TR,DA,BG,CS,FI,
- Actors of movie :Blake Lively (Adaline Bowman), Michiel Huisman (Ellis Jones), Harrison Ford (William Jones), Ellen Burstyn (Flemming), Kathy Baker (Kathy Jones), Amanda Crew (Kiki), Lynda Boyd (Regan), Hugh Ross (Narrator), Richard Harmon (Tony), Fulvio Cecere (Cab Driver), Anjali Jay (Cora), Hiro Kanagawa (Kenneth), Peter J. Gray (Clarence James Prescott), Izabel Pearce (Flemming (Age 5)), Cate Richardson (Flemming (Age 20)), Jane Craven (Miriam), Noel Johansen (1950s Policeman), Aaron Craven (1950s FBI Agent), Primo Allon (1940s Officer #1), Darren Dolynski (1940s Officer #2), Chris William Martin (Dale Davenport), Mark Ghanimé (New Year's Eve Stranger), Shaker Paleja (Hotel Doorman), Daniel Bacon (Boat Tunnel Guide), Barclay Hope (Financial Advisor), Robert Moloney (1950s Financial Advisor), Dee Jay Jackson (1960s Cab Driver), Lane Edwards (Veterinarian), Toby Levins (Ellis Apartment Super), Anthony Ingruber (Young William Jones), Keith McCafferty (1960s Hippie Photographer), Serge Houde (Good Samaritan), Alison Wandzura (Paramedic #1), Demord Dann (Paramedic #2), Grace Chin (E.R. Doctor)
Movie synopsis of The Age of Adaline :
Full The Age of Adaline in High Definition Format with movie synopsis "After 29-year-old Adaline recovers from a nearly lethal accident, she inexplicably stops growing older. As the years stretch on and on, Adaline keeps her secret to herself until she meets a man who changes her life." in HD video. Best The Age of Adaline in HD Format by clicking the button above.
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Director : Lee Toland Krieger, Screenplay : J. Mills Goodloe, Story : J. Mills Goodloe, Screenplay : Salvador Paskowitz, Story : Salvador Paskowitz, Original Music Composer : Rob Simonsen, Cinematography : David Lanzenberg, Editor : Melissa Kent, Set Decoration : Shannon Gottlieb, Costume Design : Angus Strathie, Producer : Sidney Kimmel, Producer : Gary Lucchesi, Producer : Tom Rosenberg, Casting : Deborah Aquila, Casting : Tricia Wood, Casting : Lisa Zagoria, Casting : Heike Brandstatter, Casting : Coreen Mayrs, Production Design : Claude Paré, Art Direction : Martina Javorova, Script Supervisor : Susan Lambie
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